Seigaiha - pronounced SA KA HA - a pattern that represents movement of life itself always in motion.

All individuals, families, experience life stages and change as they grow. Events in living can create joy, optimism and hope. Yet at times there may be feelings of sadness, hopelessness and negativity.

These events can become challenges. In today's busy world the experiences can be overwhelming for a variety of reasons, it could be the environment? circumstance? health?

At these moments the following may be needed;
support, a solution focus, a sense of hope, someone to talk to, someone who will listen, a creative way to expressing feelings.

At Seigaiha Counselling/Art Therapy services we will work with you on what you feel is needed. Our aim is to promote health and well being using approaches of counselling/art therapy that will suit you individually.

We provide one on one counselling, therapeutic groups, workshops, tailored to needs being identified in the community.

We have an emphasis of finding creative ways to solutions, working together.

We offer Professional Supervision and professional development to other professionals

A picture paints a thousand words

Art Therapy is a gentle, non-intrusive and non-threatening counselling process that is accessible to everyone. Art gives children, teens and adults the opportunity to express powerful emotions. Both the actual process of creating the art, and the work itself, facilitate discussion about some of the issues they may be facing. Art Therapy combines art and psychotherapy together in a creative process using the completed image as a foundation for self-exploration and understanding.

A child develops a sense of who they are through different milestones/stages and life experiences. Problem solving, resilience, self-esteem and confidence building are some of the learning skills developing. At times, the journey is not a smooth one, and obstacles are thrown in the way. As their parent or carer you know instinctively when something is ‘not quite right’ and extra resources are required.

Art Therapy provides a voice through the creative process which is much easier for children. Exploring via a visual process is relaxing and enjoyable. A child can experience who they are in a different way as creative expression allows for freedom and gives permission to do this. Being involved in the process and immersed in the ‘doing’ of it allows for light heartedness amidst the seriousness.

Creating art from a resource of materials facilitated by the counsellor, and not limited to the studio arts but embracing music, drama, movement, play and writing, helps develop new ideas and interests. It is useful for problem solving, action and self-awareness and promoting hope, confidence and insightfulness. Using the arts in counselling expands the participant’s world both inwardly and outwardly.

Art provides a communication of feelings and experiences without words and is a valuable modality in enhancing expression of trauma, distress or loss. It reduces anxiety and helps to organise a narrative. It may prompt children to say more than during a solely verbal communication.

Each developmental level in children’s art is important with each stage of their artistic development appearing to be universal throughout the world. Understanding these stages of child and adolescent development in creativity assists the therapist to know where the individual is emotionally. The art expression provides information of their individual cognitive and perceptual skill development.

With encouragement and exposure to art the adolescent can continue to adulthood accomplished in making visual statements. A voice ‘spoken’ through creative means provides exploration without judgment thus allowing the individual to feel both heard and understood.

My mission through my work is to allow all my clients to explore, have fun and experience a sense of well-being which will further their emotional growth and personal development. I want them to feel heard, understood and accepted and have the freedom to feel and express what they want. My aim is to motivate in them a desire to adventurously use fine arts media for their personal growth and awareness.

Article by Gaye Hart as seen in

An Alternative Voice ~ September/October 2011


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