Seigaiha - pronounced SA KA HA - a pattern that represents movement of life itself always in motion.

All individuals, families, experience life stages and change as they grow. Events in living can create joy, optimism and hope. Yet at times there may be feelings of sadness, hopelessness and negativity.

These events can become challenges. In today's busy world the experiences can be overwhelming for a variety of reasons, it could be the environment? circumstance? health?

At these moments the following may be needed;
support, a solution focus, a sense of hope, someone to talk to, someone who will listen, a creative way to expressing feelings.

At Seigaiha Counselling/Art Therapy services we will work with you on what you feel is needed. Our aim is to promote health and well being using approaches of counselling/art therapy that will suit you individually.

We provide one on one counselling, therapeutic groups, workshops, tailored to needs being identified in the community.

We have an emphasis of finding creative ways to solutions, working together.

We offer Professional Supervision and professional development to other professionals

The Art Therapy program I run during school term is ready to commence in 2016 after an enjoyable break for the holiday summer season.   We will recommence 4th February when school begins again for Term 1.   If you are interested in attending a phone call to register your interest is required as we are a small group and fill up very quickly.
Term 3 ready to commence.  Thursday July 16th.  New referrals being taken.  Small group setting.
Art Therapy for Adults will commence for Term 1 2015 on 5th February.
 To register your interest contact 5970 7000 or 5971 944.