Seigaiha - pronounced SA KA HA - a pattern that represents movement of life itself always in motion.

All individuals, families, experience life stages and change as they grow. Events in living can create joy, optimism and hope. Yet at times there may be feelings of sadness, hopelessness and negativity.

These events can become challenges. In today's busy world the experiences can be overwhelming for a variety of reasons, it could be the environment? circumstance? health?

At these moments the following may be needed;
support, a solution focus, a sense of hope, someone to talk to, someone who will listen, a creative way to expressing feelings.

At Seigaiha Counselling/Art Therapy services we will work with you on what you feel is needed. Our aim is to promote health and well being using approaches of counselling/art therapy that will suit you individually.

We provide one on one counselling, therapeutic groups, workshops, tailored to needs being identified in the community.

We have an emphasis of finding creative ways to solutions, working together.

We offer Professional Supervision and professional development to other professionals

Come along and join us in this creative space for January 2013.
Want to know more - speak to the facilitator


Laughter Club Coolart - Last Sunday of each Month

See you there for 30th December, 2012.

COOLART, Somers.

Expression in Adult Art Therapy Group
Permission from client
copyright with permission from client

''Laughter'' is the best medicine.

This picture was in the local paper "Western port news"  
The next free laughter club at Coolart Somers
  will be on Sunday 28th October, 9.30 am.  
I look forward to seeing many new faces. 

 Art Therapy & Creative Reflections groups currently running on a Thursday afternoon
in the Good Shepherd Wallaroo Community Centre.

Other studio workshops, groups as required.

Individual Art Therapy counselling for children, young people and families.

For a fun sense of well being

Revisiting your creativity, YES we all have some.

What you need:
Some quiet time and a space
a couple of pieces of A4 paper, larger if you have it.
Some coloured crayons, textas, pastels (what ever you have to hand)

The process: 
Choose one crayon colour you are most attracted to.  
(don't put it back, stay with the first one you looked at or picked up)
Across the page write your name.
Write it again in any spaces you can see.
No wrong way to do this, it will just be.
Take another colour and write your name.
Fill in any spaces.

Take some time to look at what you have written.
What letters stand out?  What shapes do you like?

On the 2nd sheet of paper emphasise the shapes of the letters that you liked.
Use any colours and allow yourself to freely explore these shapes.
Let the process unfold onto your paper.

There is no time limit
When you feel you have done the process give yourself a word to describe 
how you felt doing this.

Have fun. 
write  a comment 





I have been working behind the scenes to get Laughter in the Park.    We are nearly up and running at COOLART Wetlands & Homestead thanks to Parks Victoria and the rangers for giving us the space to come and share laughter for no cost.

As a trained leader and a part of Laughter Clubs Victoria free laughter in the community at Coolart on the last Sunday of each month. 9.30 a.m. for approximately half hour is about to happen.

An opportunity to come out and socialise have fun and then walk around the beautiful grounds of the Coolart Weltand & homestead.  Bring your own lunch or late breakfast and stay for longer.

 Flyers and more information will be in this space shortly.  We are aiming for Sunday 30th September.  Contact: 0409174128 to confirm or just take a chance and come along.  It's a great venue!!


Laughter Therapy/yoga workshops.

I  facilitate Laughter as part of "Seigaiha'' representing movement of life itself always in motion, pronounced SA KA HA.  Organisations and community groups can contact on 0409174128 to find out how Seigaiha laughter workshops can be of a benefit to participants.  Each workshop is tailored to meet needs of the particular group.  All inclusive, all abilities catered for. Cost on application.



Combining Fun and Creativity, Laughter & Art Therapy for all abilities for men and women.  This group will commence on 6th September,  have a short break over school holidays and then recommence on the 11th October.  Call to find out more or register your interest.  

During the school holidays ''creative workshops'' for children. Thursday 27th September and 4th October, 10.00 am to 11.30 am.

Laughter Yoga.
  Term 3 two groups
 in the community will be running.  
The Hub, Rosebud. 59822204
 Wallaroo, Hastings 5970 7000
 or 5971 9444.

 Giggle a little and have a good old belly laugh.
Art for Beginners.  Did you enjoy drawing and painting as a child?  Are you keen to draw, yet afraid of being judged?  Do you believe as an adult you could never draw?  Would you like to get creative again?  Join us on Wednesdays for 2 hours of beginners Art and rekindle your creativity.  For Info and bookings contact: 5970 7000 or 59719444.  Book your space now..

Children's Art Therapy Space Term 3 2012

At Good Shepherd Wallaroo Community Centre, Wallaroo Place Hastings.  Running after school Art Therapy program for children.  To book a space or to find out more contact 5970 7000  or  5971 9444. 
Art Therapy program for men and women to run in Term 3 at The Hub, Alambie Avenue, Rosebud.  To book your place phone 59822204 and speak with coordinator of the centre.  If you require more information email or phone me, details back on the website.

Managing stress - building self esteem and confidence.  Explore some strategies that help you cope in your daily life.  What works for you? 

                                Some ideas suggested 
 - music, dancing, yoga, breathing, art therapy, cooking, reading, talking with friends. 

Women's well being group will be running for 6 weeks in Term 2. This successful program has been running through 2011 and is available to all women again for 2012.

This group will be running from the Good Shepherd Wallaroo Community Centre, Hastings on Thursday morning 9.30 to 11.30 a.m.

If you live in the area and interested in being a part of the next group please contact.

a.gerolemou@goodshepvic.org.au or contact@seigaiha.com.au
or phone: Andrea Gerolemou or Gaye Hart - 5971 9444

I enjoy attending the group to meet the ladies and Gaye. I always leave feeling positive and have things to think about in regard to my well being. J.
Very relaxed and easy going class. Fun and formative. C
Enjoyed the communication information. I find it very interesting and would like to cover more. thank you. J

Creative expression in process

The following process is a demonstration of how the use of creative expression is incorporated in the field of Art Therapy for health and well being. Using pastels as the medium and taking the word "Fluid'' (*Illustration Friday) and allowing the space and freedom to explore an image that comes up. Being in the moment to allow self to express the feelings and images onto paper, no artisitc requirements or beliefs of a need to draw.
Other ways to explore this would be after this event of putting an image together is to explore the words that come up and write them down in a journal. Put the words to a poem, or a sentence. Explore a part of the image that stands out.
Give it a try, explore your own awareness through images, take the word "fluid". *Illustration Friday is a website that every week creates a new word from its followers suggestions and images are posted in response. I like to take the word of the week and respond in the above. If a word or an experience comes to you during the week, take it on a creative process. I would be interested to hear about your journey.

Leaves growing from rubbish

kind permission from client - A process using art therapy. First session. Reflects impending grief, losing a loved one to cancer. The image is very personal to the client and holds understanding and awareness only for that person. I do not interpret visual images, I as the counsellor facilitate the process with the participant. If interested in the process of using art therapy in counselling do not hesitate to contact about your situation.

Mushroom Forest

Mushroom Forest

Engaging the participant in the art therapy process. experimenting with paint - the client is encouraged to explore the paints and drop the colours randomly on the paper. The paper then folded in half. Then to look for images that stand out and emphasise these in any way you choose.
There were no shapes visible at the beginning of this process and none were in the mind as a determined end product. The beauty of Art Therapy is the process and what comes up for the participant.

I encourage the participant to explore their work, write or share about it, and give the piece a title.

This is just one example of many pieces I am priviliged to share. Please respect the work and not copy in any form. thank you.

Rhythm, Mood and Colour

Using creative expression as a means for children to have freedom to build self esteem and confidence in the use of a variety of art mediums.

Art Therapy with young people on a respite camp - November 2011

Art Therapy with young people on a respite camp - November 2011
The young people at the end of the group workshop in art therapy were given the opportunity to express their feelings. Using bright pastel colours on black board the freedom to place images or words, any line or shape that came up. A dramatic finish to an afternoon of creative expression.